Case Converter - Change Text Case Online Tool

This tool will help you to convert text between uppercase, lowercase, title case and sentence case with a simple click. It's easy to use and allows any type of text and change into any case. Even more, you can export converted text to your files by just copy and paste.

Case Converter - Change Text Case Online by JP Tools

Case Converter - Change Text Case Online Tool

Find all the first words of a sentence and change it to capital is very boring and time-consuming work. No worries! Our tool will help you. You can use this tool and change text case to "Sentence Case" very easily and fast.

How to use?

We have designed this tool very simple and easy to use to make a user-friendly interface. So, any non-professional users can use it very easily.

You just need to copy your text from any file and paste inside the text box which is at the top of the page. Then four buttons are there below the text box. These button's name defines its work process. So, when you click the button our algorithm will process your text and you will get your conversion result very quickly.

4 types of conversion

  • "UPPERCASE" button converts all the inputted text into capital letters.
  • "lowercase" button converts all the inputted text into small or lower case letters.
  • "Title Case" button converts all the inputted text's first letter capital. It capitalized every single word's first letter of n article or paragraph.
  • "Sentence case" button converts all the first letter of the sentence into a capital letter.

Once the conversion process complete then you can just click the text area. You can see, all the text will get selected and now you can press "Control-C" to copy whole code and "Control-V" to paste back wherever you want.

Browsers supported

Case converter is compatible with most of the browsers. Such as Mozilla, Google Chrome, Opera, Safari, Internet Explorer(9+). Make sure your browser's javascript option is enabled. Otherwise, it will not give you the proper results. Because the tool is made by jquery and javascript.

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